Mental Renovation Worksheet
by Cinnamon Alverez
Step 1: What are you saying to yourself?
Do you ever use statements like:
I have to get this project done.
I never have the help I need.
No one is competent or dependable.
Notice what statements you do use. Can you see any patterns?
Step 2: Dump all your Complaints and Add the Possibility for Change
Now that you’ve noticed what kind of negative language you use on a regular basis, write them down. Put every complaint you can think of on this list, and add “It seems like” in front of each one. Follow Sally’s example:
It seems like I have to get this project done.
It seems like I never have the help I need.
It seems like no one is competent or dependable.
With this simple phrase the focus of the statements begin to shift away from totally negative to possibly not. Even if you feel your statements don’t seem to be true, they are true, trust the exercise and keep going. Remember this about getting all the negative language you use for yourself out and showing your conscious mind that maybe there is another possibility.
Write your “It seems like” statements. Note this should be an exhaustive list so when you run out of space here feel free to continue on another sheet of paper.
It seems like ________________________________________________________
It seems like ________________________________________________________
It seems like ________________________________________________________
It seems like ________________________________________________________
It seems like ________________________________________________________
It seems like ________________________________________________________
Step 3: Omit Disempowering Language
Look at what you wrote in step two and cross out/remove the limiting language. For example, we’ve all used the following phrases: “I don’t know how”; “They always”; “They make me”; “He needs to”; “I need to”; “It’s because”; “I have to”; “I can’t”; “I’m too”; or “I’m not enough.” You can pick your demon: “I’m too busy, too tired, too old.” Or, “I’m not smart enough”, “not connected enough.” Also be aware of your use of extreme language like, “always”, “never”, and “no one”, which further emphasizes the sense of being powerless.
But now you know you’re not powerless, and your conscious mind sees the possibility for change. So reinforce that and remove all the negative and disempowering language like the following:
Have to
Not _____ enough
No one
Step 4: What do you really want?
Now that you’ve gotten rid of all the negative language, ask yourself what it is that you really want in your life. What is most important to you? What are positive affirmations of your true desires at the core of your previously negative statements? Sally turned her statements into her true intentions:
I want to get this done.
It seems like I don’t have help, but that’s not necessarily true.
I've completed a good portion of the project and could use some help to relieve my stress.
Write down what it is you really want in the text block below. Again feel free to use another sheet of paper if you run out of space here.
I want ________________________________________________________
I want ________________________________________________________
I want ________________________________________________________
I want ________________________________________________________
I want ________________________________________________________
Step 5: Make a New Declaration
Take your statements from step four and add the word “Actually”, and say not only what you want but what you’re going to do to accomplish your desire. This one simple word signals to your conscious mind that you are actively changing and beginning anew. Sally’s statements now look like this:
Actually, I am committed to getting this project done with excellence.
How can I actually pull this off?
I know the perfect person to help! They are amazing. I'm going to actually delegate part of this project and have it in my hands complete by end of day tomorrow.
Notice how the new phrasing makes you feel. They don’t feel like your original statements do they?
Actually, ________________________________________________________
Actually, ________________________________________________________
Actually, ________________________________________________________
Bonus Step: Take Action
Now that you’ve recreated your statements with empowering language, and a strong intention of what you really want stand up and say them all out loud. I’m serious. Adding physical movement to spoken affirmations can help you gain momentum to complete any challenge, especially if you are feeling stagnate or stuck. So stand up and wave your arms around (or sit and wave your arms around); as long as you’re moving your body you’ll start to feel free from your “stuckness” inside. Say loud and proud your positive affirmations and goals you’ve set and know are possible. Because they are.
This is your opportunity to generate happiness and build momentum by implementing key success principles. Completing something challenging is satisfying and motivating. It takes a push to start from a standstill, but is much easier once you have some movement. So move forward and think positive.
Congratulations! Don’t forget to celebrate your victories!!!